
Showing posts from June, 2024

Well, that sounded weird

Six years into this whole CI thing, I find that I have far less that prompts me to come here and ramble on.  My CIs have just become a fact of life, something that I'm used to and rely on but don't necessarily go around reacting to everything as though it's new, because, hey, it's been six years.  It's not new. But sitting there listening to the odd noises that my husband is making in the kitchen (seriously, you don't want to know), it occurs to me that a part of this journey that's still active is learning what justifies getting up and running to make sure he's not unconscious or sitting in there with the components of half our dishes on the floor. I just don't have the judgment about sounds that hearing people do. Things that sound alarming to me just generate a "nothing, I just bumped a pan on the stove" or "what, I'm just talking to myself" from my husband.  Which may or may not be normal behavior - I don't know.  I kn