I think I've figured something out. I'm not absolutely sure, because I haven't been in to see my audiologist, and she's the person who could confirm it. But I've been wondering why, after my January appointment - in which we decided not to change the mapping in my left CI - the unintegrated high frequencies suddenly became so much more prominent. I mean, why the need for aural rehab when there was no change to the mapping? But the brain's a complex thing, and it's actually happened before, though not nearly so prominently. But I wonder if what we did on the right side affected what I hear on the left. Because we did reduce the volume on the lower frequencies in an attempt to reduce (or even get rid of) the echo on the right. And if the lower frequencies are reduced in volume, that means the higher frequencies are comparatively a higher percentage of what I'm hearing overall. So maybe that affected it. In my February appointment we remapped bo...