hey c'mon, yer honor

Well, another month-long gap between posts.  I guess I've been a bit busy.  This year Memorial Day weekend was four days, so naturally R and I both caught a bug that's been going around - he thinks he caught it on the plane and gave it to me, but the day after Memorial Day I went to work and about five other people had it so I suspect the contagion field may be a tad wider that one 787.

It made my hearing sound a little off - at least, once the sinus congestion set in.  It was a bit odd having the echoes seem amplified, but it's tapered off now that the congestion cleared up.

Then I started a new job - and after two weeks, it's still new, though I'm starting to be able to find things in the plant without a map.  This is the company's largest domestic manufacturing site and going by my Fitbit I walked about three and a half miles just going to three different meetings yesterday.  It's a BIG place.

But it's going well and people are nice.  No one has pointed and stared at my CI processors, anyway, and I make a point of talking to people about them if it's not inappropriate.  I want people to understand that yes, it means I can't hear without them, but I can function pretty well normally with them and if you want to ask it's okay because I will yammer on about 'em with anyone who isn't bored by the topic.

And then I had jury duty the last two weeks as well.  I was only called in on one day, but I was able to call in and hear the instructions pretty well (one day the recording was a bit mumbly  so I asked R to call and listen too) and that one day when I was in the jury pool I was able to hear the judge and both attorneys.  And the bailiff when he said All Rise (what happened to oyez?  Is that just the Supreme Court?).  So even though I didn't end up getting on the jury I was really happy to discover that I didn't have any trouble hearing there.  

So things are fine.  Normal, even, which is a pretty big deal for me.


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