even after a year

My trip to DeKalb went well.  It was a productive meeting and a really interesting opportunity to see the distribution center, which is four huge buildings - and they were able to lay them out the way they wanted to, for efficiency and organization rather than just shoving things in where they fit, which is true in a surprising number of cases.

And other than that it's been just going to work, and coming home, the usual cycle of the working person.  We are buying a house out closer to the plant, so that's been going on, and I've been walking on weekends, even though I usually don't like to walk wooded trails in summer because the combination of heat, humidity and stinging insects is really pretty miserable.

But I'm going to miss the Arboretum and Carver Park, so I'm going anyway.  And on Saturday when I was walking at Carver Park I was on a trail that goes around a lake (poor planning when one considers that standing water is prime mosquito habitat) and in the woods, and even though I loathe mosquitoes and black flies and gnats, and there weren't nearly enough dragonflies to eat the damn things, I kept hearing this odd noise and it took me most of a mile of walking to realize that I was hearing the bugs.

So yeah, even the bugs were kind of cool.

And today I got up and was in the kitchen getting my coffee after I got dressed, and again I kept hearing a noise that I hadn't noticed before.  And this is my kitchen, not some seldom-walked trail in the park reserve, so I walked around a bit and yep, I couldn't hear it in the living room, only in the kitchen and it was really starting to worry me.  What the heck IS this?  But the odds of anyone planting a ticking bomb in my kitchen are pretty much slim to none, and I finally realized that it was the burbling of the water in the damn cat water fountain.  We have this thing that keeps the water moving, and Spike likes it so he stays better hydrated and I had no idea that it made noise.

And I've had my first CI for fifteen months and the second one for nine.  I'm still hearing things for the first time.  Amazing.

Music is sounding better too.  I can't wait to hear what it's going to be like in yet another year.


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