it's the little things

It's interesting.  I always knew that people said things in passing, and often had little exchanges as they walked by each other.  I could never hear it when people said things to me, so they all probably thought I was unsociable or something.

But now I can do that.  I went out to run an errand at noon and there was a guy walking into the plant when I walked out - not someone I know, but he works there (I work at a site with 1600 people).  And as we passed in the parking lot, he said "This is making my teeth hurt!"  - referring to the temperature, which was something like -7 at the time.  It's since soared to -4, so thank goodness that's over.

But I could hear!  And respond.  I just said, "And your nose, and your chin...." and then we were too far apart for talking anymore.

So that one brief exchange made me outlandishly happy, all the way to Menards and my exchange there with a surly and uninformed employee.

Because it's really incredibly cool to have these little discussions.  Last night at the supermarket the checkout kid was just so excited - he has an interview on Friday for a job with a company that, if he gets it, will pay his college tuition.  I never used to be able to hear people in the store. Supermarkets are kind of noisy, and the register makes noise.   But I heard him, and seriously, how cool is that?  I hope he gets it.

Honestly, I'll bet everyone around me though I was mean or snobby or something.  So it's a bit like rejoining the humanity surrounding me.  

Little things like this add a lot to the day.


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