Last week I had a mapping - we reduced the volume of the high frequencies on the left CI, reduced the volume of the low frequencies on the right CI, and also on the right, redistributed the frequencies along the electrodes a bit.
It usually takes a couple of weeks to adjust, and I'm not there yet, but it does sound better than the previous mapping. Quite a lot, in fact, so while I don't think this is the end state by any means, I do feel like I'm heading in the right direction.
I have another mapping next month, and the manufacturer's clinical specialist is going to be there, which should be interesting.
But in the meantime I'm pretty happy with the progress. Today a friend who has been living on the East Coast for a couple of years was in town, and we had lunch. He told me that he could tell how much better I was hearing just from the conversation that we had at the crowded and fairly noisy little Mexican place we were in.
He's right, of course - I've known for a while now that my speech comprehension is far better than anything I've had since about 1975. And if I can make some progress, as I seem to be doing, on the sound quality, well, that's the whole deal, right there.
I had no idea, when I started, that this would be this long a process, but when the hearing I've gained is already this much better than what I had, the achievement of clarity and sound quality is just added to what I've already gained.
I will never have normal hearing, but after 60 years of decline in my ability to hear, understand, and interact with people, it's now getting better all the time.
That's worth a couple of surgeries.
It usually takes a couple of weeks to adjust, and I'm not there yet, but it does sound better than the previous mapping. Quite a lot, in fact, so while I don't think this is the end state by any means, I do feel like I'm heading in the right direction.
I have another mapping next month, and the manufacturer's clinical specialist is going to be there, which should be interesting.
But in the meantime I'm pretty happy with the progress. Today a friend who has been living on the East Coast for a couple of years was in town, and we had lunch. He told me that he could tell how much better I was hearing just from the conversation that we had at the crowded and fairly noisy little Mexican place we were in.
He's right, of course - I've known for a while now that my speech comprehension is far better than anything I've had since about 1975. And if I can make some progress, as I seem to be doing, on the sound quality, well, that's the whole deal, right there.
I had no idea, when I started, that this would be this long a process, but when the hearing I've gained is already this much better than what I had, the achievement of clarity and sound quality is just added to what I've already gained.
I will never have normal hearing, but after 60 years of decline in my ability to hear, understand, and interact with people, it's now getting better all the time.
That's worth a couple of surgeries.
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