all business

Next week I am going on my first business trip since being implanted.  It's a short trip - driving distance and just two nights, but still, I'll be in a hotel room by myself, so I requested an accessible room for the deaf.  And got it.  I don't know that I really worry that much about hotel fires or any of the other reasons why I'd need to have an accessible alarm, but I'll admit that if there were to be a fire, it would be nice to survive.

So that's good.

And on the other end of the spectrum I managed, for the first time since implantation, to forget my battery wallet today so when my rechargeables died I had to put in disposable batteries.  They work, and I was glad I had them, but man, I really prefer to use the rechargeables.  I don't like having to throw out (or recycle if possible) batteries every few days.  Note to self:  do NOT forget the damn batteries anymore.

And on a completely unrelated note, I had cause to learn just how LOUD heavy rain and hail sound on the roof of your car while you're driving (if you have batteries in your CIs)  I commuted through an incredibly heavy storm today and  yowowow was it loud.  It was also so heavy that I couldn't see the road through the sheets of water on my windshield so I parked and waited out the worst of it.  Luckily the tornado warnings were wrong and we just had a thunderstorm.

So, two good things and one stupid thing today.  Not too bad, eh?


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