getting there
Yesterday was exactly two weeks from surgery. The incision is healing and the sutures are beginning to dissolve. The pain is almost incidental now, not at all sharp and so sporadic that it really doesn't matter anymore. I'm still very aware of the implant in my head, but I suspect that will take a little longer. I've just realized what an act of trust this surgery was on my part. I really didn't research it much - I was focusing on the devices for the most part, because I had to choose between them. It never occurred to me to look into what the surgery involved, or to do anything other than to trust Dr. H - and that trust has certainly been justified. But what a surgery it is. I found implantation videos online, and I found the instructional booklet that the device manufacturer sends with each kit. I was blithely assuming that the kits were just the devices, the implant and the processors and all the little bits and bobs, but there are to...