I'm about to embark on something that I think will be life-changing. I've spent my life traveling, and I see life as a journey, so this is just a juke to the left: the road curves up there, and I am going in another direction. I've been hard of hearing since birth, a sensorineural hearing loss that runs through our family - my mom had it, so does my brother, an aunt, some cousins. We all say "what?" a lot. It's also progressive (or regressive, I guess, really) and has been getting worse throughout my life. Fifteen years ago I began to really struggle to hear on the phone; ten years or so ago I stopped using the phone handset at all and in the last five years or so I stopped even being able to understand voice mail messages. Without context, word comprehension is really difficult for me. I have been to two movies in actual theaters in the last twenty years: The Two Towers, and let's face it, I didn't need to hear that. Read the book mo...
I am excited for you! Eagerly waiting to see how it works for you.