two days later

I'm now two days post-surgery.  The pain has subsided quite a bit - it feels tight and a little itchy but for the most part it's manageable.  It mainly hurts when I turn my head (the neck muscles are connected to the head bone, I guess) and I have a new habit:  when I'm in bed and want to move my head I slip my hand under it and lift it so that the neck muscles don't activate the pain.

But mostly it's healing much more quickly that I thought it would.  I'm still a little woozy and I suspect that Dr H was right to tell me to stay home this whole week.  I had a temperature of 100F for the first day after surgery but it's gone back to normal and stayed there since yesterday afternoon.

The tinnitus in the implanted ear has ratcheted up, but from what I hear on the CI forums, that's normal and will become background noise again once I'm activated.  It's worse when I lie down so at least when I go back to work for the few weeks before activation I will, hopefully, be able to hear with the hearing aid in my left ear.

 I can feel the implant under the skin, but there's also a small amount of swelling and I suspect once that goes down it's not going to be noticeable.  

Of course, once I get the processor that's going to be noticeable, but I think I'm going to get some colorful skins and fly my flag.  Maybe get some made with photos of my cats or something.  Or just some brightly colored abstract shapes.  

Why not have some fun with it, right?



  1. Can the skins be interchanged easily? If so, you could have a lot of fun with that. Holiday-specific ones, for example, or a whole set of emoticons.

    1. Yes, people switch them out to match clothing. Though I wouldn't do it too often if I have to buy them from the manufacturer, they charge kind of a lot. But I think there may be an independent site that sells them too.


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